What happens if you don’t ask for patient feedback?

What happens if you don’t ask for patient feedback?

As healthcare professionals, our ultimate goal is to provide the best possible care to our patients. Can we achieve this without actively seeking out patient feedback? Patient feedback is a critical component of healthcare, as it helps us understand the needs and preferences of patients, identify areas for improvement and ultimately enhance the patient experience. But what happens if we don’t ask for patient feedback?

What happens if you don't ask for patient feedback

Lack of understanding of patient needs

Without patient feedback, it can be challenging to fully understand patients’ needs and expectations. This lack of understanding can lead to assumptions about what patients need or want, which can ultimately result in a suboptimal patient experience. By actively seeking out patient feedback, providers can gain a deeper understanding of their patients’ needs and preferences and use this information to tailor care plans and treatment options to meet those needs.

Missed opportunities for improvement

Patient feedback is a valuable source of information that can help healthcare providers identify areas for improvement. Without patient feedback, providers may be unaware of issues or problems that need to be addressed. This can result in missed opportunities for improvement, which can ultimately impact the quality of care provided. By regularly soliciting patient feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and make the necessary changes to enhance the patient experience.

Decreased patient satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is critical to good healthcare, as it can impact patient outcomes and overall health. Without patient feedback, providers may be unaware of factors that contribute to patient satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This can ultimately result in decreased patient satisfaction, which can impact patient retention and referrals. By actively seeking out patient feedback, you can address areas that contribute to patient dissatisfaction and enhance the overall patient experience.

Decreased patient trust

Trust is a critical component of the patient-provider relationship. Without patient feedback, providers may appear uninterested in patient opinions or concerns. This can ultimately result in decreased patient trust, which can impact patient outcomes and overall health. By actively seeking out patient feedback, providers can demonstrate their commitment to patient-centred care and build trust with their patients.

Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) questionnaire-based experience measures capture a patient’s care experience. This data is particularly valuable as it can identify opportunities for quality improvements at the service level while also informing government policy via key trends to support system-wide change.

PREMs tools such as Active Insights by CFEP Surveys are designed to help you enhance patient experience by providing the most up-to-date information on how your patients feel about their interactions with your service. This innovative tool enables you to easily collect, collate and display patient feedback live via interactive dashboards. Watch this short video to find out more about Active Insights real-time patient feedback tool.

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